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JTAG DRX 890-C (Read 42652 times)
Junior Member

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Oct 21st, 2013, 11:42pm
Does anybody know if its possible to JTAG the DRX-890c? Also I was wondering if using TTL to access the receiver is possible at all.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #1 - Feb 6th, 2014, 11:32pm
I tried to jtag it, but with no luck..... I can provide details/attempts I made if you are willing to carry on....
However, I think I have fried it now,  due to an ESD shock.  Its now compleatly unstable and does not boot.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #2 - Feb 12th, 2014, 10:24am
Hello, no prob, I can post it up here.   You'll have to give me a little bit to gather my old info - so you can understand it.
Also, I used the phrase ESD shock, it was more of a earth/grounding shock (well it really hert me!)
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2014, 1:15pm
The main problem was I could not find a proper datasheet for the BCM7335 CPU, or even something silimar.  The only Broadcom STB chip pinout I found was this:
So it looks like its on the top right of the chip, everywhere else on the board does not look right / in use by something.
I used these photos and ALT-Tabbed between them so I could flip between the Top and the Bottom of the board so I can follow the tracks easier.  (although its probably a multi layered board)
http://jpegbay.com/gallery/003402614-.html#1 http://jpegbay.com/gallery/003402614-.html#2
The second image is mirrored...  (Line up the pink dots)
I marked the corner of the chip to where I think the jtag pins could be (based on the pins location of the board/chip).  This area has to be the only logical choice, because the tracks lead off to no where. Just a bank of Pull Up/Pull Down resistors. and because there 5K, that implies to me that they are just ...  .   well you see.
10 x 4k7 Resistors:
I measured them and wanted to see what happend if I toggle them during bootup.
Original Setting	Does boot on polarity Change  (plus comment)
1 +v			yes
2 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs)
3 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs)
4 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs, after 6 secs its a clock sng until 28 secs (about 0.1us))
5 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs)
6 +v			yes	(3 sec power up signal)
7 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs, after 6 secs its a clock sng until 28 secs (about 0.1us))
8 +v			no	(outputs on bootup, 6 secs in, flash read?, clock 0.0375us (about 0.05us))
9 0v			no	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs, then blips a few times)
10 0v			yes	(if pulled high... pulls low after 3 secs)

I removed the resistors, and I think I used 1K's to pull them in the other voltage direction? to see what happens.
All voltages are 3.3v except the first 3 boot-up seconds of the I2C interface, which was 1.8v (I think?).
BTW, after 3 seconds it starts to read the flash at the bottom of the board.
Heres a little timeline I tried to put together (this is based on assumption):
Power on:       Flash Read Bootloader   Flash Stops     Flash Read F/W                  Flash Stops     S/W Unpacked?
\/              \/                      \/              \/              \/              \/              \/
0 secs          3 secs                  5.4 secs        6.3 secs        ~29 secs        34.1 secs       ~77 secs
red led	        yellow led                              A/V on          A/V off	                        (No HDD)
                Power to Flash
                                                |data pins |            (Codeloader:
                                                |short here|            Booting Linux
                                                |S/W update|            kernel)

I made a kind-of jtag-scanner using 2 parallel ports (via 2 PCs / very low) to see if I could get anything out of them, but I did not succeed.  Maybe because I was only using 1K pull up resistors (that made 4ma), and I'm not sure if the Clock Rising Time was too slow?.  At the time I wanted to play-it-safe so I would not damage it (oh the irony),  I've had similar problems when trying to read/write flash chips directly.
I tried scanning it when it was booting normally, in "Software Update Mode" or completely Crashed by shorting(ish) a couple of the data pins on the flash.
I'm sure the jtag is in that area of those 6 odd pins above, I just can not do any more.  Well at least I have a spare 500GB drive now   :)
I was planning to bypass the card reading part of the code, so I can record without a subscription & change the Anytime space down to 1GB.  If you do extract the firmware, would you mind sending it to me.  Just out of curiosity.  And get any other PROM/BROM, which is probably located at 0xBFC00000.

I also looked at the Flash and the I2C port on the board.  I gave up on the flash idea (I hate BGA chips), but tried the I2C bus.
Those pins go directly into the CPU.  And because there is a voltage selection bridge, it has to be I2C because there is no standard voltage in the specs.
I tried to make my own I2C connector/program, and of course I got nowhere.  When I bombarded it with random data, it some times got stuck.  I mean the Clock or the Data line went Low and stayed Low.  So it makes me think that it is a active port.  Perhaps if you have a proper I2C connection, you will do better than I did.
There is a Broadcom program called "Broadband Studio 3" which can talk to the BCM97335 Chip directly via I2C.  I think that would be a good place to start with this connector. (Probably Slave Address 8 ?)
I hope Ive explained my-self ok, any Q's?
I take lots of photos, because I find its the best way to see the tiny-tiny components on the board.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #4 - Feb 21st, 2014, 3:13am
Hello Digibox333, sorry I can not help.  I need to own the box in-order to debug the running memory, and it takes a lot of effort.
The Pace3100 uses the ST20 instruction set.  And as far as I know... no HD box uses these old chips anymore.  Its all the MIPS instruction set (mostly).
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #5 - Feb 23rd, 2014, 12:24am
Can't wait for hd modification info  Smiley cheers
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #6 - May 8th, 2014, 11:44pm
I think you could be onto something with the I2C. I think the board needed to connect directly via I2C is the following: Cypress CY7C68013A EZ-USB FX2LP USB2.0 Developement Board/module
The VU receiver uses the same CPU and people have used this board to connect. I have ordered one to have a play with just waiting for it to arrive.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #7 - May 29th, 2014, 5:45pm
Cypress board has finally arrived but so far no luck. I've used the 3.3v selection bridge and linked up to Broadband Studio but it just won't connect.  
There is something going on though. Now i've linked the 3.3v voltage bridge, the box won't boot when the cypress board is connected. The yellow led light comes on but thats as far as it goes. Nothing on screen and no response. If I disconnect it boots properly again.
There is obvioulsy more to getting the I2C port active so we can connect to it. I'll keep trying and post any updates.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #8 - May 29th, 2014, 11:13pm
Nice one Danny fair play Smiley
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #9 - May 29th, 2014, 11:46pm
Hi Danny I also have a cypress board , how did you link the 3.3v voltage bridge?
Cheers Smiley
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #10 - May 29th, 2014, 11:49pm
The fact that the box won't boot may indicate you have Done what your supposed to do but are missing the bcm7335 msi file  to open in broadband studio when trying to connect , the vu uses bcm97335 I think there may be a difference although m not entirely sure ! Smiley
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #11 - May 29th, 2014, 11:50pm
A bit like when you have the jtag on the pace 3100 and switch on it doesn't boot if you know what I mean cheers
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #12 - May 30th, 2014, 1:11am
If you take a look at the pictures above in this thread you will see what looks like the I2C port. Directly under the +V pin is the 3.3v bridge. I just soldered those two spots together. You could be right about the msi file I only have the 97335. I can't seem to find one for the 7335. I don't know just how different these files are and if that is the problem.
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #13 - Sep 29th, 2014, 2:42pm
Unfortunately still not having look with JTAG/i2c. The msi file is the correct one for BBS so that isn't the problem. I managed to find somewhat of a chip diagram (_http://www.2shared.com/document/nkt6a6wF/BCM7335_EJTAG.html).  
After looking at this it took me to somewhere else on the board for the i2c port but still the same result. When the cypress board is connected the box fails to boot properly but nothing past that.
I still think its possible to connect to the box but i'm wondering if the chip is somewhat 'password protected' What I mean by that is you would need to use a key sequence or command to connect. Again no luck with this either so far.
If anyone has any other ideas on this let me know what you think
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Re: JTAG DRX 890-C
Reply #14 - May 30th, 2015, 1:37pm
I see this gone very quiet in the last few months. Is anybody still looking at this?
I've done various testing but every option (EJTAG, RS232, TTL, I2C, BBS) are all closed off as standard.
I think the only other option is to look along the lines of glitching the CPU similar to the xbox.
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