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Message started by holygrailofgin on Jul 21st, 2017, 9:49pm

Title: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by holygrailofgin on Jul 21st, 2017, 9:49pm

Hi, seeing as the S*ky + HD boxes are virtually free now, just being left all over the streets of England. is there any way to load a linux distribution onto these boxes for boinc rigs? Thanks 8-)

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by Steve on Jul 22nd, 2017, 10:54am

You would need to get into the bootloader, and assume the CPU in the box is supported.

Technically it is possible to create a flash image, the trick would be getting at the internals of the bootloader, might be doable via jtag or the USB port

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by holygrailofgin on Jul 22nd, 2017, 4:03pm

Have you any clue how I would go about that? I have never jtag anything before. Is there a program I would use to interface with the chip? Where would I take the pins for jtag?  :P

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by Steve on Jul 22nd, 2017, 6:17pm


You could try catching one of the OTA firmware updates if you have a DVB-S card attached to a computer, some useful software here for that

If you grab an update image it would at least give you an idea of what the software side looks like, just a case of getting it back into the box - which isn't that easy

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by holygrailofgin on Jul 23rd, 2017, 10:22pm

Okay I understand what you are saying. But my knowledge of these sorts of things is very very basic. I have hobby level electronics understanding but would like to set this as a long term project. Just for fun to see if I can do it. I don't want to hack anything or get free s*y.

I have bought this (because i'm a poor student ahha)

Will it do what you have said? After some 3rd party software etc.

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by Steve on Jul 24th, 2017, 6:42pm


I think you have bought a DVB-T stick, which would work for Freeview via a rooftop antenna, for satellite you need DVB-S (or S2 for HD)

Title: Re: DRX890W-R running alien OS Possible?
Post by delboy1234 on Aug 4th, 2017, 5:57pm

Has anybody managed to catch OTA firmware for one of the HD boxes?
That they could possibly upload.
My DVB-S card is playing up at the minute and giving errors.

Title: Dellboy
Post by holygrailofgin on Aug 17th, 2017, 11:52pm

That would be perfect, can we broadcast this question on the site main page to see if anyone has?

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